Sunday, May 19, 2013

“Dumb — It’s the New Hotness!”

Graham: Obama’s crew plays dumb and dumber

Has President Nixon been replaced by Sergeant Schultz?The “Smartest President Ever” has disappeared. The Barack Brain Trust long-touted by
liberals is gone — replaced by hacks whose rallying cry is straight from Stalag 13—“I know nothing. Nothing!”

The top law enforcement agency in the land spied on the top news-gathering organization, secretly seizing phone records from their home and cell phones. They did so without the legally required notice to the Associated Press. And what did Attorney General Eric Holder say when asked why his Department of Justice would do such a thing?

“I do not know why that was or was not done,” the attorney general told the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday. “I simply don’t have a factual basis to answer that question.”

Notice his answer isn’t just “I don’t know why we didn’t notify the AP as required by law.” It’s “I don’t know whether we did or not.”
This isn’t Attorney Stephen J. Shmuck of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe. This is the attorney general of the United States, whose agency has just been caught conducting a potentially illegal surveillance dragnet against 100 reporters and editors.

And he knows nothing about it? Folks, your attorney general knows nothing about everything:

At one point, when asked who authorized the AP spying, he actually said “I can’t say as a matter of fact I would probably 95 percent, 99 percent certain the deputy attorney general acting in my stead was the one who authorizes the subpoena.”
A staffer finally brought him a note confirming it was the deputy AG.

Holder told Congress the White House found out about the Obama administration’s surveillance when they “read it in the paper.” He said he wasn’t involved because “I recused myself.” When asked when he recused himself: “I am not sure.”
And thus the Obama defense is laid bare: “We’re not corrupt — we’re just really, really stupid!”

How did U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice end up with carefully whitewashed talking points regarding Benghazi? Who knows? Except that the email trail “directly contradict claims by White House press secretary Jay Carney and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the revisions of those talking points were driven by the intelligence community and show heavy input from top Obama administration officials,” Stephen Hayes reports in The Weekly Standard.

Hillary Clinton testified that she was a hands-on part of the State Department’s response to the Benghazi attacks. So who stripped the talking points of their facts? She has no idea.

And why was Rice — who had nothing to do with Benghazi — picked to hit the Sunday TV show circuit and spread the bogus “it was a videotape!” story in the first place? Your guess is as good as Obama’s.

What we do know is that the final talking-points product — that Carney assures us came directly from the CIA and no one else! — was so devoid of facts that then-CIA director David Petraus said, “Frankly, I’d just as soon not use this.”

So why did the White House use it? Nobody knows!

After a week of shoulder-shrugging “whatevers” regarding the IRS scandal, Obama now tells us he’s mad as heck and not going to take it anymore when it comes to targeting people based on politics. He claims he found out about his administration’s IRS abuses by reading it in the papers, too (Note to self: Make sure White House newspaper subscriptions stay paid in full!)

But this story has been around for at least two years. Congress held hearings featuring members of the Obama administration. According to media reports, people inside the White House were aware of the practice at least a year ago.

Forget “we’re smarter than you.” The new White House motto is: “Dumb — It’s the New Hotness!”

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