Thursday, May 16, 2013

Even Liberals Call for Holder's Ouster

Radio talk-show host Bill Press, former chairman of the California Democratic Party, has become at least the second heavyweight liberal commentator to call for the ouster of Attorney General Eric Holder.

Writing over Twitter, Press blasted Holder for the Justice Department's seizure of Associated Press reporters' phone records as it sought to investigate a leak. 

He also attacked him for failing to press for charges against former President George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney over allegedly misleading Congress over Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction and the authorization of interrogation techniques that have been described as torture.

Press' tweets Thursday read:
  • "I still haven't heard a legit justification for the subpoenaing of the AP phone records. They didn't notify AP, they didn't narrow search."
  • "What 'breach of national security' are we talking about re the AP story? It's BS and Holder should be fired."
  • "For people who say that Holder was 'just doing his job,' he didn't 'do his job' by going after Cheney or Bush. He left THAT alone!"
Former MSNBC anchor Keith Olbermann also took to Twitter to attack Holder. 

"Unacceptable," he tweeted. "If Mr. Holder continues to support this rogue action, he should resign." 

The Justice Department seized logs from at least 20 office, home, and cellphone numbers, including the AP's desk in the House of Representatives press area, the Justice Department informed the news agency Friday. 

The AP believes the action stemmed from an investigation of a 2012 leak about the CIA defusing a bombing plan in Yemen. 

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