Thursday, May 16, 2013

Justly Accused

STUDY: Physically strong men more likely to have right-wing political views...

'Weaker men more likely to support welfare state, wealth redistribution'...


Anonymous said...

via CNN: Now we learn that terrorists are lost via Witness Protection Program

Ciccio said...

When scientists first started studying homosexuality seriously, the 50's and 60's not only did they find that it is entirely natural in a very tiny percentage but that it occurs in all mammals, birds and fish. Yes, even fish, the 10 spined stickleback, Tinbergen. Whilst these findings were taken up with with a great a hurrah by the homosexuals of the world, one major part of the studies was just as rigorously ignored and finally suppressed. There are no homosexual alpha males in any species. Whilst the lead bulls in some herds control and mate with dozens of females, the losers will stand on the sidelines and f**k each other.

Pastorius said...


I did not know that.

Nicoenarg said...


Nicoenarg said...

On this note though, no wonder liberals want all men to be feminine.

Pastorius said...

Yeah, good point, Nico.