Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ohio IRS Employees at Center of Scandal “We Simply Did What Our Bosses Ordered”

"Only Following Orders"

FOX19 has exclusively learned that as many as four people may be the first Cincinnati Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employees to face disciplinary action, and possibly even criminal charges, for allegedly targeting Tea Party and Liberty groups applying for non-profit status.
On Wednesday, the IRS announced that it has pin-pointed two employees at the agency’s Cincinnati office for being ‘primarily’ responsible.
In addition, acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller resigned his position, revealed by President Obama on Wednesday.
“Secretary Lew took the first step by requesting and accepting the resignation of the acting commissioner of the IRS, because given the controversy surrounding this audit, it’s important to institute new leadership that can help restore confidence going forward,” said President Obama in a statement on Wednesday evening.
Prior to his resignation, Steven Miller called the two Cincinnati employees ‘rogue’ and ‘off the reservation’, adding that they were ‘overly aggressive’ in handling the requests from those conservative groups over the past two years.
Miller also added that those two employees have already been ‘disciplined’ by the agency…
One of FOX19′s two sources went on say that these four IRS workers claim “they simply did what their bosses ordered”.


Unknown said...

1945 - "Wir haben das night gewusst" 2013.

Epaminondas said...


The instant you here someone say that, you KNOW you have a moral and physical coward in front of you and you offer FULL IMMUNITY