Thursday, May 16, 2013

Police chief constable and council chief executive refuse to stand down despite catalogue of errors in Oxford sex ring scandal

EEYORE, from the Vlad Tepes Blog, comments:

This is critically important. This shows clearly that the gang rapes, pimping and lets face it, white-slaving of young young British girls to muslim rape gangs is political and in fact, an act of war and not a crime. This also means that those complicit within the British government as well as bureaucracy are, well, complicit. 
The opinions in this article are crap of course. The answer isn’t jail. Its treating an act of war as an act of war and not a criminal matter to any extent. 

From the Daily Mail:

The angry mother of a victim of the Oxford sex grooming gang last night demanded: ‘Someone needs to take the blame.’

Catastrophic failings by police and social services enabled the sadistic group to drug, rape and traffic girls as young as 11 for eight years. Victims repeatedly told police they had been abused and sexually tortured and care-home staff just watched as the men collected the under-age girls at night.

But despite the catalogue of appalling blunders and missed opportunities – and David Cameron warning police and council chiefs they faced ‘very searching questions’ – nobody is  prepared to take the blame.

Both Thames  Valley Police Chief Constable Sara Thornton and Joanna Simons, head of Oxfordshire County Council, say they will not resign. 

Their defiance, a day after the seven vicious and ‘medieval’ predators were convicted at the Old Bailey, came as:
  •  It emerged that only one care worker has been sacked in the aftermath of the scandal.
  •  An MP urged courts to impose ‘the most severe penalties’ on the gang so the victims receive ‘the justice they were denied by the local authorities’.
  •  One of the UK’s largest police forces said tackling child sexual exploitation is now a bigger priority than gun crime.

Most of the eight-year campaign of abuse by the gang took place after Miss Thornton was appointed head of the Thames Valley force in 2007. 

She yesterday apologised for not acting sooner, but when asked if she had considered resigning from her £160,000-a-year post, she said: ‘The focus has got to be moving forward. I think the focus for me is on driving improvements in the future.’ 

Five of the six girls were abused while in the care of Oxfordshire County Council’s social services department. 
But Miss Simons also said she was not quitting her £182,000-a-year job as chief executive.

She said: ‘My gut feeling is that I am not going to resign because my determination is that we need to do all that we can to take action to stamp this out.

‘[We are] incredibly sorry that we weren’t able to stop this abuse any sooner . . . what we understand now is much more about the grooming process. 

'We didn’t understand that going back seven or eight years ago.

‘All I can do is apologise if we didn’t listen enough, if we didn’t do enough.’

The mother of one of the victims, only 14 when the gang began plying her with drink and drugs before exploiting her for sex, said: ‘Oxford Social Services has failed our children and someone has to pay for it.

‘They were supposed to be looking after my child, yet the social workers went home at night knowing that she was being abused and did nothing.

The police are talking about there being more victims, something like 50 more girls, who they want to come forward. 

But how can they expect them to have the courage to come forward when these six girls have been failed so badly.’

Speaking in New York, the Prime Minister refused to defend the Chief Constable and county council chief, saying the authorities would have to ‘respond for themselves in terms of what happened’.

Mr Cameron, an Oxfordshire MP, said: ‘It really is just appalling, absolutely appalling – it’s shocking what took place. Everyone’s going to have to ask some very searching questions about how this was allowed to continue for so long.’

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