Thursday, May 16, 2013

The cases of these cases

For Obama in Benghazi
  1. Best Case
    Panetta did not call about helping, and the military without orders was wrongly too timid to try sending rescue and or attack forces, including ground attack craft
    Underlings at State changed memos to adhere to NO SALAFIS ACTING AGAINST USA
    Rice was wrong to have acted without direct approval of talking points from the president who was too busy
    Clinton knew too little, and could do even less, and never saw memos about increasing security
  2. Worst Case
    The Pentagon was urged by back channel to remain silent
    Memos and talking point direction and tone was set in the White House and major changes effected as high as John Brennan
    A pattern of NOT SEEING what was necessary to see in terms of information which compels actions be taken becomes evident
    An inchoate/choate agreement to CYA becomes evident among the White House, Defense and State
  1. Best Case
    The entire mess, which as we can see has YET to find it’s limit in terms of groups mauled, is contained inside the IRS.
    Information which others received was never requested, just delivered, and an irresponsible few acted on this information during the election cycle.
  2. Worst Case
    The White House, seeing other presidents who used the IRS as a tool, did so themselves, and at their ‘Henry II- Becket’ like suggestions REPRESSED the first amendment rights of 500+ politically opposed groups, encouraged the release of information which would help them and INTIMIDATE other donors of Romney, and knowingly used this information in the election. This is impeachable.
  1. Best Case
    A demonstrable national security emergency release of information was occurring and they all acted properly within the law to halt it. Note that for this to be true, Holder would have NO REASON to recuse himself, and the White House should be BRIMMING OVER with righteous Indignation since they were doing right.
  2. Worst Case
    The White House saw its programs, and especially its underlying ideal that big govt is good for you and me, being harmed by leakers and took action to intimidate, and imprison those who could harm this program. 
The EntireSchultzAdmin Result
  1. Best Case
    The White House and others manage to obfuscate, confuse and conflate the important issues in the mind of the public and they, while heavily damaged, continue on somewhat->greatly diminished.
  2. Mid Case
    The public forms the opinion that Axelrod is right and no one can manage a huge govt, and it has to go as a theory of public service. The dems get SCHLONGED in 2014. Republicans begin talking SERIOUSLY about ACA repeal and replace, and a program where several cabinet level depts are allowed to wither and die as as conservative policy becomes a polling bonus. The public turns HEAVILY against their personal health info being in the possession of a govt which cannot govern and instead is a repository for information which is a cudgel to be used against all political AND PERSONAL opposition at all levels. NO MATTER WHO IS IN POWER.
  3. Worst Case

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