Saturday, August 10, 2013

I see christines police behaving badly story and raise it one dead ww2 hero grandpa killed by police

police shoot and kill 95 year old man

from jawa report comes this disturbing and shameful story.
and the militarization of our police from peace officers to merciless death dealing arms of the state continues.
some one in the Po Po wanna try to explain to me why they needed to go into this old mans room at the senior center with fucking riot shields and tase him then shoot him with bean bag rounds?  instead of say, acting like men capable of dealing with a 95 YEAR OLD MAN????  they couldnt come up with a plan that didnt involve swat like action and fucking riot shields?  un fucking real.
these are not men, they are not police officers. they are storm troopers and fools and they should be ashamed of themselves.
this man served in ww2 fighting the japanese lived a long life only to be killed by cowards on the police force using a fucking riot shield stack and pack to invade his room and cut him down? he was shot while sitting in a chair. these cowards are claiming he had a knife.


Epaminondas said...

Well, they should kill anyone with a shoehorn. Or 95 and upset and/or confused. That's their right, isn't it?

Every paranoid lunatic's shrieking fear is THIS story and the other one posted here.

And they are factual.
The police are NOT our allies anymore?

How LONG until some family of five resists a wrongful crashing search or outright illegal use of force with accurate fire and kills a bunch of law enforcement and are then slaughtered in turn?


And for what?
What kind of training can result in this?

Anonymous said...

Where did the calm peace officer of yesteryear go? The one arrived to De-escalate the situation not be the reason it goes from bad to worse. From minor to deadly. Who are these villains under color of law who collectively believe it's a good idea to kill at the slightest provocation?

What kind of loser needs to stack and pack with a 95 year old man?