Tuesday, August 06, 2013

"The largest persecution of Christians in history"

According to this post at GeeeeeZ!:
...[H]idden in all the chaos [in the Middle East] is a monstrous injustice that has received very little media attention: The rampant persecution of Christians.

“Few people realize that we are today living through the largest persecution of Christians in history,” Bruce Thornton, research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, wrote on the institute’s Web site. “Estimates of the numbers of Christians under assault range from 100 [million] to 200 million. According to one estimate, a Christian is martyred every five minutes.”...
Read the rest of Z's post HERE.


Walter Sieruk said...

This short article does bring to mind that the answer as to why so many Muslims have such a murderous hate toward Christians that they would actually want to kill then is explained, in part, in the Bible. For it reads in Proverbs 29:10 "Bloodthristy hate a man of integrity and seek to kill the upright." [NIV]

Z said...

Thanks, AOW, for posting this here...and I'm glad the lion in the coliseum felt like the right image to you, too.
Walter is right..I like that; it almost gives me hope today.

Pastorius said...

I am very happy to see our Jewish Brothers and Sisters standing up for us Christians.

Anonymous said...

The world media is perfectly OK covering Muslims killing Muslims, as is happening now in Syria. But why does it clam up when Muslims persecute Christians?

Similarly, the world media is up in arms when IDF kills an Arab terrorist (or 9 Turkish terrorists) but no one lifts a finger about Sderot, the town that lives under constant rocket fire and kids (as well as adults) only have 15 seconds to find shelter after the sirens go off (or countless other examples where Israel suffers at the hands of these barbaric bastards)!

The reason is simple. The media and most of the world has decided that its okay for Muslims to act like barbarians and Jews and Christians who don't appease Muslims (by happily dying) are just racists and bigots.

There are people who wonder why the media doesn't cover the very apparent Christian persecution...and wish that the media would...

As an ex-Muslim from the Middle East and a convert to Christianity I say, with all due respect to the guys who wrote the article, f*** the media, we are on our own. Every time the media or Obama have said something in the middle east, more Christians have died. So again, f*** the media and f*** Obama.


Anonymous said...

well nico that aint gonna happen. barky obama is a petty man who likes to stick his finger in the eye of all those he dislikes and doesnt miss an oportunity.

by the way im on twitter now if anyone is interested in following me.