Friday, October 04, 2013

"Boy, do we miss you”

Golf fan to George Bush.
The crowd at the President’s Cup PGA Tournament then began to chant “43”, “43”.
Nothing is quite like the lens of time.
Full disclosure .. my wife and I have remarked with growing frequency that Bill Clinton, no matter his other faults seems now like the soul of practicality these days.
Starvation makes ANY food look good.


Walter Sieruk said...

It just might need to be remenbered that many of the followers of Islam base their faith in the Quran not on the rational thought process or reason but on their feelings and emotions. They also base their faith in the Quran on mamy false premises, Such as "No other book reads as beautiful as the the Quran." This is emotion and not reason. Moreover,to compare and contrast the beauty of the words of the Quran with the beauty of the writtens of the words of the other words of men of the many books of the world will show this claim to be false. In short,trust in Islam with is Quran is based not on logic or reason but on feelings and emotion. This brings to mind the wisdom of the printed words of Benjamin Franklin fron his POOR RICHARDS ALMANACK which explains "The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason."

Walter Sieruk said...

The question might be asked "Just what is Islam ? " One of the answers that may be given is that Islam is a tyrannical religious and political system of mind control that has power over the lives of many people around the world. With this answer, the wisdom of the words of Thomas Jefferson very much apply. For Mr. Jefferson had stated "I have sworn upon the alter of God eternal hostility against every from of tyranny over the mind of man."

Pastorius said...

Clinton was a great President compared to Obama.

Epaminondas said...

That says it all about frame of reference, Pasto