Wednesday, October 09, 2013

David Wood: "Muslims, I'm Coming After Your Prophet"

Video - David Wood returns from Africa with a powerful message: " I'm Coming After Your Prophet."

"And, I'm going to keep coming after him until there's nothing left of him or there's nothing left of me."

"And, I don't say this because I hate you. I believe that Muslims are victims of Mohammed's teachings, just as many non-Muslims are victims of Mohammed's teachings."

With thanks to Will at THE OTHER NEWS:


Anonymous said...

The followers of Islam are waging religious war against the secular people in the west. The conundrum for the liberal west is that religious force can only be fought on religious terms.

To their shame, self-loathing progressives in the west think the way to cleanse the west of Judaeo Christian values is by diluting the existing society with people from other lands, with other belief system. They call this cultural suicide, "multiculturalism". This is actually cultural suicide in the case of Muslim immigrants since they have no desire to assimilate and would act to destroy every remnant of the host country culture when their number reach a sufficient minority status.

I would say that the best thing to happen would be to let Muslims live in Muslim countries and to keep them away from the west. When a sufficiently Islamist country gets nuclear weapons, that option will cease. To paraphrase Stalin: you may not be interested in Islam, but Islam is interest in you, at least to force you to reply to their Three Demands: convert, submit or die.

Anonymous said...

Listen, you are about to have Muslim neighbors and co-workers. These made up lies, about mysterious Muslims who persecute Christians is a joke. Your white self, your ancestors and your missionaries are busy bashing and harassing Muslims to no avail. Get used to us and learn to love your neighbors. Or you can be a typical Christian who does not follow the Bible and continue your white hate. You sure don't sound like Jesus. You sound just like the good old boys who shot MLK back in the day. YOU ARE A LIAR. And you should be ashamed because lies come from the devil.

Pastorius said...

This has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE, you Mohammed-dick-sucking faggot.

My family isn't white.

And, as for your comment about Muslims not killing Christians,

This is not a mystery.

Muslims are killing Christians in Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. etc. etc.

You fucking ass-licking, woman-hating pussy.

Go back to the stone age, piece of shit that slid down your mother's thighs.

Anonymous said...

(smile) what's with all the cursing? Is that your version of "coming after" our Prophet? Our Prophet has been here for 1,500 years...he is in our hearts. How do you propose to get him out? Will you curse him out? You are not giving a complete picture or a totally factual picture with what you say. I can only politely tell you, that our faith tells us to respect those of other faiths. If someone interferes with anyone's religion in the African countries I have visited, the authorities take care of it. Usually it is white Christian missionaries who are busy buying and bullying people into worshiping the man Jesus. Don't know who you are, but the guy in the video lying on Muslims is quite white. Maybe you should do a video so we can see what color it is you are as you spread false things about Muslims?

Pastorius said...

(smile) It's my version of telling you that you guys are a bunch of dick-sucking faggots which is perfectly understandable given the fact that your Prophet was a freak beyond compare.
(smile again)