Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Interview With Tommy Robinson, Discusses His Move Away From the EDL, and His New Relationship With Quilliam

From the BBC:

"I want to combat extremism. I see Quilliam as the only voice in this country, really, that represents that."

"If we want to solve these problems, then we need the support of Muslims like Usama and Maajid (referring to Usama Hasan and Maajid Nawaz, the leaders of Quilliam)."

Many see this move to join forces with Quilliam as having been made by Tommy Robinson as a result of intimidation and fear inspired by government harassment. Baron Bodissey gives his perspective: 

The two top leaders of the English Defence League have left the organization to join the Quilliam Foundation, a mainstream NGO that fights “extremism” in all its forms. Among other actions, Quilliam takes great pains to prevent the stigmatization of Muslims by “Islamophobes”.
Ever since Tommy was released early from prison last winter, I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop, and now it has. It seemed obvious back then that attempts would be made to “turn” him while he was in solitary confinement, offering him both carrots and sticks to cease his anti-Shariah advocacy as the head of the EDL.
The first carrot was his early release. That was followed by a series of increasingly unpleasant sticks — arrest after arrest after arrest. Later this month he is facing trial for one of the Woolwich-related arrests. Presumably the judicial authorities had a quiet word with him about how long he would spend behind bars this time. He may have been facing the prospect of only being able to see his kids once a week through that glass wall, while they grew up without him. He might have seen his family forced into destitution, ostracism, and humiliation.
Then along came the Quilliam carrot. 


1 comment:

Jason Pappas said...

It appears that Geller has been talking to Robinson and the continued problems with the racists among the rank-and-file became impossible to solve. Quilliam is an interesting choice since they're ex-Islamists who want to fight Islamism. We'll see if the move works.