Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Video: Interview With Tommy Robinson

It's interesting to watch his body language here. What's with the glancing upward and to his right? Is he reading something? What is that?

Also, is it just me, or does the interview play out more like an Iranian Hostage being allowed to "address the Great Satan" for a moment?

Maybe I'm being too cynical. Thing is, at the beginning of the day, I was trusting Pamela and Robert. If they supported Tommy in this decision, then that was a good thing. Knowing now that Robert says he does not support Quilliam has made me think this whole thing is taking them by surprise and something may not be quite right here.

On the other hand, some of his statements here are very strong and well-reasoned.

I have no idea. Really, at this point, I don't know what to think.


Anonymous said...

It sure does stink of coercion

Jason Pappas said...

I'm not sure. He seems to indicate that he hasn't been able to control the EDL and weed out hate-filled extremists. Those extremists are taken as a reflection of him. He still believes the bulk of the EDL are honorable men who oppose Islamism and don't hate nominal or moderate Muslims and he defends their right to protest. But he believes the rabble are disgracing him and the cause.

He believes he can work with moderate Muslims. Quilliam claims to be such moderate Muslims. They claim to be Sufi Muslims opposed to fundamentalist Islam. But they are using their "Sufism is the real Islam" not only to condemn fundamentalists but those who are fighting fundamentalists, like us. We accept that fundamentalists do practice genuine Islam. It doesn't mean that it is the only way to practice Islam but is certainly a bona fide practice. Quilliam's denial may help them personally but it disarms us.

As you guys know, I'm not religious. I don't care if devout Catholics say they practice the real Christianity and not the Lutherans. And I don't care if the Lutherans say the same. (BYW, they'll only say this in private.) As long as neither of them demands that I declare one or the other as the true Christianity I'm fine with it. What they do in private, is their business.

Quilliam wants us to sign on to "Sufism is the real Islam" or else we're Islamophobes. They can go to hell. Notice how Robinson want to only talk about Islamism but the interviewer won't let him. I don't think he's going to be in Quilliam's camp for long. Just a feeling.

Pastorius said...

Good thoughts. I think you may be right. Thanks.

Elisabeth said...

Something very strange is going on. And it ain't good. For anyone.