Sunday, November 03, 2013

Creepy Obamacare Experience of the Day – Jim Angle Edition

  1. I call the 800 #, give my name & address, then put on hold. The guy comes back & says you appear to be in the media.


Epaminondas said...

Angle was a fool to even ask this question. Everyone who has his personal cell phone # has a cell phone. Every one of them has some kind of contact list. WE KNOW FOR A FACT those contact lists are PRIME connection data for the NSA computers. As a journalist he is KNOWN and therefore of interest. Every contact list of known friends of his (has he ever called ANY of them from his Fox fone?) points back to him in the big NSA CLOUD both to his fox fone and his personal phone. More, is his home address connected to both phones? Email addresses? Twitter handles?

So is anyone leaking to you jim?

Pastorius said...

A fool?

I think you're being facetious.

I think it is a generally recognized reality that we do still live in a world that not SUPPOSED to be Orwellian.