Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Does Obama Know Something We Don't Know? His Administration Is Closing The Vatican Embassy Because It Is "Unsafe"


From Catholic Vote:

The Obama administration has decided that the free-standing American embassy to the Holy See will soon be closed, and the offices for the Ambassador to the Vatican will be moved inside of our Italian Embassy.
As a part of the security reviews that followed the attacks on our embassy in Benghazi last year, State Department officials are now claiming that the current U.S. Embassy to the Holy See is no longer safe.
If their assessement is correct, then why not bolster security or simply move the Embassy to a new location instead of shutting it down? Are all ‘unsafe’ embassies being shut down too?
Moving our Ambassador to the Vatican inside of our Italian Embassy sends a clear message: the diplomatic post doesn’t matter much to the United States.
This afternoon I spoke with former Vatican Ambassador James Nicholson. He wanted me to tell CV readers:
“It’s another manifestation of the antipathy of this administration both to Catholics and to the Vatican – and to Christians in the Middle East. This is a key post for intermediation in so many sovereignties but particularly in the Middle East. This is anything but a good time to diminish the stature of this post. To diminish the stature of this post is to diminish its influence.
“The State Department has for a long time wanted to do this. It came up when I was an ambassador. I explained the folly of this and it went away. But now they seem determined to do this. The perception is [with this action] that the United States is showing a lack of appreciation for the relevance of its diplomatic partner in the Vatican.”
Diplomatic relations between the United States and the Holy See suffered for generations because of rampant anti-Catholicism in our country. It took until 1984, twenty-four years after the election of a Catholic president, for President Ronald Reagan to officially create the first United States Ambassador to the Holy See.
President Reagan would quickly see the importance of the Holy See in international affairs. Reagan and Blessed Pope John Paul II formed a partnership that would lead to the downfall of Communism in Eastern Europe.



Charles Martel said...

This is sick. Instead of supporting people of faith, this State Dpt. does not get tired of finding ways to show the true colors of this administration.

Always On Watch said...

Allah is pleased.

The real Almighty is not pleased, however.

Anonymous said...

Yet this administration thought the Benghazi embassy wasn't nearly 'unsafe' enough to close.

There is some discussion of the embassy closing at GatewayPundit. . .
Report:Vatican has rejected 3 Obama picks for ambassador (adamantly/aggressively pro-abortion/pro homosexual and Islamphile candidates.

Epaminondas said...

Obviously Rome is about to be invaded by Eskimoes.

Anonymous said...

Obama was getting defeated on front after front: his dear MB got raped in Egypt; his Al Qaeda didn't get to fight alongside American soldiers in Syria; his signature healthcare law, has so far, failed to dupe enough Americans to destroy American economy...

Then he gets this deal with Iran...

Now this parasite has tasted a little bit of victory against Israel and the West so he's confident, moves the embassy from the Vatican as a protest against those who helped defeat the Soviets and those that still don't bow to his will.

Of course he will spend days pouting, thinking about how else to hurt the Christians and the Jews of this world...he's played the Iran card already.


Charles Martel said...

I was not aware of the ambassadorial issue. Now I understand. Closing the embassy is his way of punishing the Vatican.

He is looking less and less presidential by the day, the hour, the minute. This should cost him.

Pastorius said...

He appears to be having another snit fit.