Friday, November 15, 2013

“I don’t think there’s anything for us to apologize for”

Thomas Clyburn, #3 democrat in the House, responding to a question about whether democrats in the House should apologize to the American people at least as the President did, for violating the promise that .. well .. you know.
"There is nothing in the Affordable Care Act that said that your insurance company should cancel you," said Minority Leader Pelosi.
In fact, the Affordable Care Act says that plans created after March of 2010 must be cancelled (and others matched to O’care for changes as small as $5), and the law also gave the administration the authority to write regulations that forced the cancellation of some policies that existed prior to March 2010.
"Did I ever tell my constituents that if they liked their plan they could keep it?" Pelosi asked. "I would have if I’d ever met anybody who liked his or her plan. But that was not my experience.”
In fact, Pelosi’s website still states: “Keep your doctor, and your current plan, if you like them.
"As far as the Affordable Care Act is concerned, what the president said was completely accurate," Pelosi said. 
The self delusion around this catastrophic launch is a truly amazing spectacle. What would these people be like if their own stupidities got us into a war we were losing?
They may have an aptitude for the political ways of a corrupt, elite and self entitled DC, BUT THEY ARE QUITE STUPID and out of touch.
I guarantee you there is hilarity and confusion in Moscow, Beijing and Teheran, and anger and confusion in Cairo, Riyadh, Kuwait City and Jerusalem.
And in America.
Just pull the other lever, people until we get 535 people who GET IT.


WC said...

Can't we get three psychiatrists to sign papers to commit this woman?

Always On Watch said...

What WC said!