Sunday, November 03, 2013

Obamacare Architect Ezekiel Emanuel: “The Individual Market Is Going Away”

From Gateway Pundit:

Obamacare architect Ezekiel Emanuel, a former adviser to the Obama White House, admitted today that, if Democrats have their way, the individual insurance market is going away.
“Insurance companies don’t want, insurance companies don’t want the individual market as it’s constructed. They see the future. That individual market is going away. They don’t want to invest in it.”


Epaminondas said...

x-lation, HE wants the govt to enforce on (the insurance) business the submittal to the govt's demand that this market go away.

This from the man who opined that one way to view critical medical resource allocation was your social worth, and the number of QALYS (a numeric life credit score, Quality Life Years..remaining) which prioritizes you for medical help.

He is, by the way, an ETHICIST
Fuck him

Epaminondas said...

Thanks anon, you have added measurably to the human race and contributed mightily to improving all our lives.

God sees you, you know.