Sunday, November 10, 2013

Obamacare Shopping Views DROP again, DRAMATICALLY? 11/10

Some facts now about conversion from site visits to purchases, from the experience in Massachusetts.
In Massachusetts, we received about 100 visits to the site for every one enrollment
In the 24 hours ending about 7AM there were 7135 shopping (not site) visits.
That converts to 71 enrollees IF everything else is working properly. Even though that is not the case, let’s stipulate to that.
39,000 per day required purchases (of which  more than 20,000 must be less than 30 years old).
71/39,000 = 0.18% of minimum target.
Less than 2 tenths of one percent.
If scrotums are not tightening in the White House, then they have succumbed to delusion. Which delusion?
That once the web site is running all their assurances of each other and themselves are true. But the pricing data and the loss of insurance mandating people FIND that pricing data shock indicate otherwise.
Data direct from Socrata open source DB. Embedded data for today below:
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Anonymous said...

Can silence be evidence of a conspiracy to commit fraud?

By the middle of 2010, the CEO’s of publicly traded insurance companies must have known that up to tens of millions of their customers would be canceled by their companies. Arguably, the willful concealment of this information affected the price of their stock. Was their silence about material facts affecting share prices and their own compensation permissible under SEC disclosure rules? We don’t know. Just asking.

Epaminondas said...
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