Friday, November 08, 2013



A very unusual statement from the Israel prime minister on the eve of a possible nuclear detail between the U.S. and Iran:

"I met Secretary Kerry right before he leaves to Geneva," said Netanyhau. "I reminded him that he said that no deal is better than a bad deal. That the deal that is being discussed in Geneva right now is a bad deal. It’s a very bad deal. Iran is not required to take apart even one centrifuge. But the international community is relieving sanctions on Iran for the first time after many years. Iran gets everything that it wanted at this stage and it pays nothing. And this is when Iran is under severe pressure. I urge Secretary Kerry not to rush to sign, to wait, to reconsider, to get a good deal. But this is a bad deal--a very, very bad deal. It’s the deal of a century for Iran; it’s a very dangerous and bad deal for peace and the international community."


Iranian state television broadcast simulated missile attack on Israel...


Obama secretly lifted Iran sanctions months ago...

In other words, Obama is a snake. Is that a surprise?

And remember what I told you yesterday.

UPDATE - A friend of mine sent an email commenting on this subject:

My view is that the left *wants* Iran to be nuclear-armed, as a 'counterweight' to Israel. They want Iran to be a stronger chess-piece. But they just can't admit that for domestic political-viability reasons so they have to pretend to care about all these sanctions, 'deals', and such. At some point Iran will be acknowledged to be a nuclear power and they'll be like 'well, we tried'.
That's just my baseline assumption about what's always going on with Iran. So, I assume that's what's happening here, in particular.
My answer to him:
The idea of thinking of Iran as a rational piece in an international nuclear chess game seems insane, on an apocalyptic level, to me.
I must not be crazy. You know why? Someone asked Obama a few years ago, "What keeps you up at night as President of the USA?"
His answer: "Pakistan."
We've already got one totally insane Islamic regime with nukes. Another only compounds the problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These silly people who think Iran's leadership can be trusted with nuclear weapons and who think that the mullahs and the Knesset somehow represent and embody ideas that morally equal are going to get a lot of people killed. If not the people in the Middle East, then the people of Europe and America will die as a result of the West allowing Iran to go nuclear. In America, we have Hezb'allah cells operating. Does anyone think that suitcase nukes will not passed from the mullahs to one or more of these American Hezb'Allah cells?

The fault for this stupidity ultimately lies with the American people for electing such short-sighted leaders. Therefore, when judgment comes on America in form of a radioactive or radiological attack from Iran, it is a just and true judgment to paid by the people who are responsible for their own leadership.