Thursday, December 12, 2013

Issa Charges Sebelius With “Criminal Obstruction” of Obamacare Investigation reported:
The lead congressman investigating’s dismal performance during its first two months online ratcheted up the executive-congressional conflict on Wednesday, accusing Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius of criminal obstruction of his investigation.
The dispute centers around a letter the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services sent to a contractor that worked on the online health insurance marketplace, directing it not to turn over correspondence and other documents to congressional investigators and stating CMS would manage any congressional inquiries.
That letter amounted to “criminal obstruction” of a congressional investigation,” according to House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif.
“Obstructing a congressional investigation is a crime,” Issa said in a statement. “The federal obstruction laws reflect the fact that Congress’ right of access to information is constitutionally based and critical to the integrity and effectiveness of our oversight and investigative activities.”
HHS Spokeswoman Joanne Peters responded that the department is attempting to comply with Issa’s investigation while ensuring it doesn’t reveal any private consumer information or technology secrets.
“We have worked to accommodate the committee’s oversight interests in a number of ways, including by allowing the committee to review unredacted copies of the requested documents in person,” she said in a statement. “The committee already has copies of the requested documents that have been redacted to protect sensitive security information.”
The department plans to respond directly to Issa later, Peters said.
Issa issued a subpoena in October to compel Sebelius to turn over documents related to’s troubled launch.


Anonymous said...

Empty words. Just all part of the DC soap opera.

Charles Martel said...

“. . . Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
~ John Adams

Given the present state of affairs in the country, and the downward trend on principles, ethics, and morality, it maybe time to implement new strategies.

Obama's legion/brigade, or whatever it is named, may be a reality or a fantasy of paranoid minds. I don’t know, but one way or another, action should be taken to put some teeth on another branch of government: Congress.

Many government agencies have their own enforcing arms. Why not Congress? The House voted to hold Holder in contempt. So what? As Anonymous says: empty words. But what would happen if Congress could enforce its citations, and … laws ... without having to depend on the executive branch?

We are treading in uncharted waters. Up until now the US has been a nation guided by the principles set by its founding fathers.

“… It is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.” (John Adams)

It is evident pure virtue was lost somewhere in our recent past. And as time goes by, we resemble a Third World country more and more. Are we to remain resigned to the impending doom of the U.S.A. in the hands of totalitarian stupidity?

As a foreigner arrived in the country 40+ years ago, it is physically painful for me to see how our society has regressed to a time from which our founding fathers tried to spare us to exist.

Well … some food for thought in the early morning …

Epaminondas said...

She easily should have been Time's person of the year