Monday, December 09, 2013

Tower Hamlets. “It really is Britain’s first Islamic republic”

Eeyore, from the Vlad Tepes Blog, proposes one of the best ideas I have ever heard to come out of the Counter-Jihad Movement:
British people should begin to construct or renovate a building and start trials of their federal and more regional politicians over what they have done to that once great country. They should hold the trials even en-absentia but they should hold them and use the best defense and use of real criminal law and see what happens.I would start with treason as a charge and work my way from there.
I do not think this ought to be limited to Britain. Such courts of Law should be established in any Western nation where the government is aiding and abetting (giving comfort to) the enemy by importing "citizens" whose goal is to establish Sharia law, and then acting on that goal by establishing parts of Sharia law with the aid of government officials (for instance, public schools which set aside time to accomodate Muslim prayer - separating boys and girls according to Muslim dictates, teaching Mohammed is "the Prophet" etc.).

These courts would exist as Parallel Governments, asserting the laws of the nation in which their proceedings were held, in the absence of the protection of those laws by the existing governments.

The ultimate reason for establishing such a parallel government/legal jurisdiction is manifold,

1) because these courts would merely be arguing the cases for the law that already exists, they are not outside the law, and can not be prosecuted by the government,

2) establishing such courts would be a dramatic way of making citizens aware of the abuses of the governments,

3) setting up such courts, and carrying out legal proceedings according to the law of the existing government, would be a way to re-establish the rule of law within the nation - it would be a way to create a revolutionary atmosphere which existed, and was motivated by, the laws and values of the existing nation.

Any government which is constructed of an existing set of Rights and Laws, and then goes about officially ignoring those Rights and Laws IS A POTEMKIN NATION.

It is a false government.

A false government needs to be exposed, abolished and removed.

Establishing courts of Law as Parallel Governments would be the beginning of such an Abolition and Removal of the Potemkin government.

These are my first thoughts on this subject. They seem incomplete and sloppy to me. I am not a lawyer, and I do not claim any special knowledge of the law. I have some experience in Advertising and Marketing, however, and I believe the establishment of such courts would be, at the very least, a way of dramatizing and giving publicity to the fact that our governments are ignoring the Rights and Laws that supposedly give them authority in the first place.

In Nations, such as Britain, where Sharia Courts are already operating in a Parallel fashion (and yet with the sanction of the government), the establishment of these courts would be a way of fighting fire with fire.

Fire a shot across the bow of our Potemkin Governments.


Anonymous said...

Not only the UK . . .EU/Turkey set for Visa free travel deal (Dec. 4)

Perhaps EU member states ought to take Eyores advise about forming parallel constitutional governments throughout the EU to immediately begin prosecuting the treasonous officials.

Pastorius said...

I love the idea. I hope to God people take it up.

Obviously, we can't actually take these people into custody and imprison them, because, at this point, that would be considered kidnapping.

But certainly, we can use this tactic to expose and threaten them with what the future holds for them if they continue on in their lawlessness.

Anonymous said...

Pasto, the fools establishing Shariah for example are legitimate targets.


Anonymous said...

But love the idea of courts. Don't think much will come of it though when the media decides to ignore them all.


Pastorius said...

Yes, and the fools enabling the fools.