Sunday, January 05, 2014

Black Liberal Leader on MSNBC: "They focus entirely on race and calling racism where it doesn’t exist, and it’s time for the liberal community to call them out”

From the Daily Caller:
Michael Meyers, executive director of the New York Civil Rights Coalition, told The Daily Caller that Melissa Harris-Perry and MSNBC engage in racial McCarthyism to silence mainstream black voices. 
“I’m an African-American, and I’m a liberal,” said Meyers, longtime former member of the ACLU’s Board of Directors and onetime aide to legendary NAACP executive director Roy Wilkins. 
”I shook when I watched that segment where they were calling out the African-American grandchild of Mitt Romney. I was really appalled.” 
MSNBC host Harris-Perry apologized Saturday for a segment in which she and her guests mocked the adopted black grandson of Mitt Romney and said that Romney having a black grandchild was indicative of the Republican Party, which finds token black people for photo ops. 
“I’m shocked that [MSNBC president] Phil Griffin is condoning it. I’m a little surprised it’s coming from Melissa Harris-Perry because she ought to know better. They focus entirely on race and calling racism where it doesn’t exist, and it’s time for the liberal community to call them out,” Meyers said. 
“It’s ideology. I believe that Melissa Harris-Perry and Michael Eric Dyson and Toure and these folks who are supposed to be the representatives, the so-called voice of the African-American community, are a strident errant voice. It is so ideological and so radical and I’m surprised that it’s becoming mainstreamed on MSNBC. There are responsible African-American voices but you never see them on MSNBC and you barely see them on CNN.”

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