Friday, January 10, 2014

Poll of Islamic World Finds Only 4% Believe Women Should Be Uncovered

From the Daily Mail:
The way Muslim women should dress in public has been a strongly debated topic in recent months. But a new study has now revealed what the citizens of different Muslim countries believe is appropriate female dress – and how widely views differ between them. 
The survey was conducted across seven countries – Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – which all have a majority Muslim population. And the research from the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research found that most residents in these countries prefer women to cover their hair with a traditional hijab, al-Amira or head scarf rather than cover their entire face with a full burqa or niqab. 
Researchers asked respondents to pick their favoured style of female Muslim dress from a chart, assembled by the Pew Research Center, showing a range of clothing from the full burka (see image one on the chart above) and niqab (see image two) to types of hijabs (image four and five) to no head covering at all (image six).


Anonymous said...

Curious...were any women permitted to respond to this poll?

Pastorius said...

I guess they ought to be allowed to respond in those nations where they are allowed to vote. Because I think the point of this poll is to show the potential political will in favor of one direction or another.

Anonymous said...

In which one of those nations are women allowed to vote? Seriously I don't know.

But...look at pictures from Cairo, Baghdad, Tehran, even freakin' Kabul during those brief periods of time when the most hidebound clerics were pushed out of the power structure. You will not see even a scarf atop the head of scarcely any woman. At least the young college and working women.

Given real choice women don't wear the headbag. So when you see a woman in the headbag you know she is,on some level, under compulsion.