Sunday, April 13, 2014

Muslims in France Attacking Whites Because They Are White?

I don't agree with the premise here, though racism might be a contributing factor.

The truth is, the Muslims attack these people because they are not Muslims. If they were white people who were Muslim, the Muslims would not attack them.

There is some truth to the idea, however, that they would attack white Europeans who were not Muslim before they would attack black Europeans who were not Muslim.

And the reason for that would be they would see French, and other European whites, as representatives of the power structure which is holding back Sharia law.

But let Europeans think what they will, if it will help them fight back against Islam. Thank God someone is fighting back. The pressure from Generation Identitaire may force the hand of those in power to actually begin to protect their own citizens and their own culture ...

... but probably not.

Did I hear someone say, "Surrender?"


Copenhagen police: (Muslim) youth rob still more, their preferred victims are non-Muslims

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