Sunday, May 18, 2014

DANGER TO THE REPUBLIC - Koch’s, Soros, Steyer, Lewis, Unions, Byrd, Birch, and KKK

First of all, Harry Reid can kiss my WIFE’S shapely butt, IF HE CAN. The effort being undertaken by Reid and other morons efforting ever greater polarization of this society, including the right doing the same thing in a neener, neener fashion over Mr. Steyer, for instance, is DISGUSTING.
I don’t want to hear, see, or read the words, traitors or fascists.
Our next election is NOT between Heydrich and Beria.
I know every time the Nation tries to say Koch and John Birch together (their father was an early member/founder … I don’t care), I feel the urge to spew chunks over a D Senate leader being a GRAND EFFING KLEAGLE (one responsible for recruiting influential members)of the KKK. I don’t care about that either, today.
Byrd is gone and the Kochs are NOT their father, or WHATEVER. The John Birch society is NOT tea people in the streets, and the neither is the KKK representative of people like Chuck Schumer.
In this nation we have a Senate and a House. One provides for equal influence by state, and the other by population.
Likewise, in terms of political speech, we can all donate via taxes to the presidential election funds for parties, OR we can be donate proportionately via our personal or business abilities.
Free speech.
Ruled the same way Brown vs Board of Educ/Topeka was, and the same way Plessy vs Ferguson was. The same way the Schecter Bros triumphed, and the same way Roger Taney issued stupidities.
We have this system to avoid coups, and dictatorships. It has not done terribly.
Each side trying to demonize the other the way it has been going especially since about 2006 STINKS IN MY NOSE. We are running out time to KEEP this an argument and a debate, and the alarm clock to this all looking like the Eastern UKR is viewable.
All we need is one incident with the SEIU at someone’s house with a teenager in side, or one overeager defender at a ranch in NV. One BIG mistake away.
It CAN happen here.
It was bad enough over Bork, and Justice Thomas, but now it is becoming a danger to the republic.
I may not agree with Mr. Lewis at Progressive Insurance, or Mr. Soros and his many aggravating organizations, but I respect his right, if not his view, to make his opinion, and his hopes public via his financial abilities.
For Harry Reid to cynically try and REPRESS AND SUPPRESS others who simply disagree with him because of their views, is not, well,…. Mr. Reid has already overused that phrase.

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