Thursday, May 01, 2014

It’s Finally Happened, and Obama was President!

A reader searching the world media for pro-Israel sentiment may find it in the least likely place: Arab newspapers and blogs.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a Washington-based organization that closely monitors the media of the Muslim world, noted in a special report this week that despite the normal hostility displayed towards Israel by Arab writers there are some intellectuals and commentators who do not hesitate to praise Israel and draw unflattering comparisons with the Arab world.
Unlike the Arabs, tweeted a Saudi columnist, Abdallah bin Bakhit, “the Jews help create civilization and are not (merely) consuming it. The culture whose technology we use to communicate, whose air conditioners we sleep under, whose hospitals we are treated in, is the culture of the Jews and the Crusaders.”
The MEMRI report cites Arab sources that express admiration not only for Israel’s technological superiority but also its morality and its approach to education, while expressing doubts about the Arab world’s ability to emulate it.
“Israel is an entity that lives beside us, has a climate similar to ours and has no natural resources,” wrote Kuwaiti columnist Omar Al-Tabtabaee in Al-Rai. “Despite all this, it surpasses us.”
Obviously this is because Kerry said Israel was an apartheid state, and Benghazi was because of a movie.
Things are great now!

1 comment:

Pastorius said...

Well, at least they got it right.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any Muslim country has ever created a airplane, a rocket, a car, a train, an MRI machine, a Computer, or any advanced technology.