Thursday, July 03, 2014

Isn't This a Little Bit Like Hanging a Sign Outside Your Bank That Says, "Bank Guards Do Not Carry Weapons?"

Notice her male friend "Hamza" encourage her, tweeting, "Precisely", which is the Muslim version of "You go girl."

Hamza also wrote down in his calendar, "Friday, Cancel noon appointment with Camel. ... 12:00 - Rape Maryam."


Anonymous said...

Well Allah is clearly a rapist and a pimp so I'd say her theology on this is spot on. Evidently an avid reader of Augustine.

Pastorius said...

Did Augustine talk about Islam?

Nicoenarg said...

Augustine was pre-Islam.

But he was big on predestination. Calvinism (and the Reformed Church and a crap load of Protestant churches) and its fatalistic ideas are based on Augustinian philosophy.

I believe that is what Anon was referring to.

Pastorius said...

Wow. I'm embarrassed. I thought Augustine wrote around 1100.

Terribly embarrassed.

Obviously I know little of Augustine.