Monday, July 14, 2014

The "Insufficiently Engaged" President

Thus has the Washington Post reported.

The most recent evidence of Obama's being "insufficiently engaged": Even MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Can't Understand Why Obama Won't Visit the Border.

Remember back when — when, in New Orleans, Obama criticized George W. Bush for not visiting "down here on the ground" during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina?

Look here, Obama supporters.

You can whine all you like about "phony scandals" (IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the ObamaCare rollout, the VA delays, etc.).  But your man's failure to visit the border last week exposes your man as the narcissist and failed leader that he is.

Furthermore, in the process of this particular failure of leadership, Barack Hussein Obama has likely doomed any needed changes of or any needed adjustments to our nation's immigration policy.

The midterm elections will be held on November 4, 2014. We'll find out then if American voters have learned anything since November 2012.

(hat tip to Mr. AOW for the first link and the above video)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Video of some of the newly arrived poor illegal alien "children" being bussed to a Walmart with EBT cards in North Carolina Illegals arriving in North Carolina aren't children by any means