Monday, August 04, 2014

Oh, Goodie! The Ebola Summit Is In Town!

Mr. AOW and I had planned a trip tomorrow to the National Museum of Natural History.


With all those visitors from Africa taking in the local tourist attractions, who wants to take the chance on contracting Ebola, this outbreak very possibly being a mutated form of the deadly virus?   Frankly, I, for one, do not trust any assurances from this administration.

Furthermore, this week's traffic in D.C. will be one gigantic snarl.  Even the foot traffic will be unbearable.


Charles Martel said...

My former employer sent an email to all retirees recommending to stay out of DC this week, and attached a map of the closed off streets just in case some people do need to go to DC.

What a mess. More than a 1000 are expected. Why couldn't he go to Africa instead of bringing them here? Foolish question, I know. Why do things simple when you can make a mess of them?

Charles Martel said...

More than a 1000 Africans ...

Always On Watch said...

More than 1000?

For us locals, D.C. is not the place to be this week!

Museums and restaurants will be jammed!