Monday, November 10, 2014

Arabic Billboard in Nazareth Calls For Running Over Israelis

A large billboard in Israel’s largest Arab city, Nazareth, is using a play on words in Arabic between ISIS – “Daesh,” and running down with a vehicle – “daes,” to promote vehicular terror attacks against Israelis, Israel’s Walla News reported Sunday. 
The billboard – not some private poster hanging on a porch, but rather a professional billboard erected, amazingly enough, close to the city’s police station – can be understood as saying “ISIS/Overrunning Nazareth.”

1 comment:

izhnannyk said...

The Post has published other posters for which this comment would be appropriate, but for this one the obvious interpretation is quite different. The key is that it was posted just below the police station. The "organization"mentioned is not Hamas or some shadowy Arab terror cell but the police.

Unless there is some specific mention or depiction of a car, there is no reason to interpret "dâ‘is" as "runner-over"; it is a more general world meaning "trampler down" or "crusher."

"Dâ‘ish” is not the name but the acronym of the evil guys, just as are ISIS or ISIL in English. ISIS hates to be called that, and no one invoking ISIS in a positive sense would use it.

So the sign is saying that the police force is the "crusher organization" in Nazareth, just as ISIS is in Iraq and Syria. Whoever put it up dislikes both.