Monday, November 10, 2014

Tony Blair ‘signed secret contract with Saudi oil firm promising him £41,000 a month and a slice of any deals he helped broker’

From Vlad Tepes:

Tony Blair signed a secret contract with a Saudi oil firm, which promised him £41,000 a month and commission on deals he helped broker, it has been claimed.
The former prime minister signed the agreement with PetroSaudi – founded by a senior member of the Saudi royal family – in November 2010 in a deal that would promote the firm to Chinese leaders.
It proposed fees of £41,000 a month and a two per cent cut on any successful negotiations for Blair, while the firm was told it was prohibited from disclosing his role without consent.
The 21-page leaked document, obtained by The Sunday Times, is the first time a detailed contract agreed by his office – Tony Blair Associates – has been revealed.
Anonymous comment:
That is but one example of the price of Saudi influence. 
Begs the many other contracts of similar scope were agreed upon to assist/encourage the Islamic invasion of the UK/EU?

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