Monday, November 03, 2014

Ebola News 11-3-2014

AnadoluAgency: Sierra Leone: Using quaran, bible to fight Ebola
UniversityChronicle: Ebola virus infections could potentially be treated with Sunshine Biopharma's lead anticancer compound, Adva-27a November 3, 2014 Montreal, Quebec
WRAL: Duke hospital monitoring patient for possible Ebola
Officials said the patient left Liberia and arrived at Newark Liberty International Airport on Friday, which is one of five airports screening people for illnesses linked to Ebola.

The patient had no symptoms upon arrival in the United States.

The patient arrived in Person County on Saturday and developed a fever on Sunday. The person was then transferred to Duke University Hospital.


WND: New insight into how easily Ebola infects November 3, 2014
WaPo: Exposed - After an accidental needle stab, adoctor's Ebola watch beginsNovember 3, 2014 A few days after he accidentally stuck himself with a needle in an Ebola ward in Sierra Leone, Lewis Rubinson’s temperature topped 103 degrees
AllAfrica: China City Distributes Free Cellphones to Ebola Zone Arrivals November 3, 2014 Each traveler arriving from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone will get a health care package including a thermometer, local map and a free mobile phone with local SIM card. A total of 98 mobile phones had been distributed as of Thursday, according to the city' airport entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau.
ChinaDaily: Suspected Ebola case found at Brussels Airport November 3, 2014 18:48
onmedica: Britain steps up its involvement in Ebola treatment 11/3/2014 Britain is building and staffing three new laboratories in Ebola-struck Sierra Leone to speed up the time taken to diagnose the disease and help to stop its spread across the country.


Anonymous said...

MediaIte: Kaci Hickox Vows to Stay Away From Public Places, Apologizes to Her Town 2:30 pm, November 2nd, 2014

Always On Watch said...


The good luck of there not being another index case here in the United States is going to run out one day. That's how viruses work: relax, then get zapped.

Anonymous said...

CBS: Maine nurse free to go wherever she wants - but not her boyfriend
FORT KENT, Maine - A nurse who successfully fought Maine's quarantine for health care workers who have treated Ebola patients is free to go wherever she pleases, but her boyfriend on Monday was still staying away from the campus where he's a nursing student.

Anonymous said...

ABC: Post Ebola Syndrome persists once virus is cured.
West Africans fortunate to survive Ebola may go on to develop what is called post ebola syndrome, characterized by vision loss and long term poor health, a doctor told WHO.

Anonymous said...

Newswise: Complicating Changes: Medical Microbiologist Comments on the Mutating Ebola Virus
While the numbers surrounding the Ebola epidemic in West Africa are scary enough — the death toll is nearing 5,000, and a possible infection rate of 50,000 has been forecast — mutation, a single word, may be more worrisome to many than all of the virus's epidemiological statistics put together.
According to medical microbiologist Michael McCann, Ph.D., professor of biology and associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, there’s no question: The Ebola virus is mutating.
“Mutating is what an RNA virus, which is what Ebola is, does best,” McCann says.

EconomicTimes: WHO says currently no Ebola cases in Mali , 39 contacts sought
ZeroHedge: Here's why Ebola is no longer in the news
Forbes’ David Kroll – an adjunct professor at Duke University Medical Center - notes:

The Associated Press and other press outlets have agreed not to report on suspected cases of Ebola in the United States until a positive viral RNA test is completed.
In other words, the mainstream media has agreed not to report on any suspected Ebola cases.

I guess the Ebola czar has been a busy boy, after all ... you know, preventing panic and all that.

Anonymous said...

dnaIndia: WHO says big pharma did not develop Ebola vaccine because it affected 'poor' African nations only Nov. 4, 2014 4:49PM IST
Telegraph: Inside a high-security Ebola isolation chamber November 4, 2014 Professor Christophe Rapp, chief of infectious diseases at Hospital Begin in eastern Paris, explains how the Ebola isolation chamber works
BBC: West Africans in NY 'stigmatised' over Ebola fears November 4, 2014
PTInews: World Bank Chief urges Asian health help in Africa
Bloomberg: Ebola Travel Bans buy only time, not safety November 4, 2014
AsiaOneNews: Asia must do more to help global Ebola fight November 4, 2014
BrisbaneTimes: Ebola: Abbott government relents, will send Australian volunteers to treat victims November 4, 2014 5:23PM
NBCNews: Nose Spray Ebola Vaccine Protects Monkeys November 4, 2014
NewKerala: Inhaled Ebola vaccine could offer long-term protection November 4, 2014
Amid fear of Ebola, travel restricted November 4, 2014 Temple U admin announced it does not support travel to guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone

Anonymous said... Operation United Assistance Soldiers train first class of Ebola treatment unit workers November 4, 2014
Reuters: Ebolacrisis highlights China's philanthropic shortfall November 4, 2014
WSJ: A role for Japan in the fight against Ebola November 3, 2014 Japan's military is uniquely equipped to deal with disaster and humanitarian relief.
St.AugustineRecordNews: After botching Ebola, WHO to pick new Africa boss November 4, 2014 12:03AM
YahooNews: Ebola Outbreak may hold lessons for handling samples from Mars November 3, 2014
IBT: Singapore imposes VISA requirements on Ebola-stricken West African nations
ABS/CBN: Why aren't Chinese billionaires donating to help fight Ebola? 11/04/2014 2:50PM
NPR: It turns out that fighting polio is good training to fight Ebola (in Nigeria) November 3, 2014 3:20PM ET
TimesofIndia: Americans want quarantine for Ebola medics November 4, 2014 2:50PM IST
Chron: Ebola kills Sierra Leone doctor, UN doubles staff November 3, 2014
LATimes: Fifth doctor dies of Ebola in Sierra Leone November 3, 2014
Daijiworld: UNICEF to increase staff in Africa to combat Ebola November 4, 2014
NewsObserver: Duke Patient's first Ebola test negative November 3, 2014
WaPo: You're more likely to catch Ebola than to receive marijuana-laced Halloween candy November 3,2 014 1:52PM
CBCNews: Ebola outbreak prompts Canada to deploy more quarantine officers at airports November 3, 2014 2:43PM ET
Canada announces an additional $30.5million to fight Ebola

Anonymous said...

SeekingAlpha: Ebola risk threatens Randgold Resources (gold mining) in Mali November 3, 2014
WHO treating Ebola situation in Mali as emergency
KoreaTimes: World Bank chief asks Korea to help fight Ebola Novembr 4, 2014 17:57
Reuters: UN's Ban warns against quarantining Ebola health workers Nov. 3, 2014
Bloomberg: UN charters food ship for Africa as Ebola disrupts supply
November 3, 2014
PennLive: Ebola: PA monitoring caseload rises 11/03/2014
Pennsylvania health officials as of Monday afternoon were monitoring 135 people for possible Ebola symptoms, an increase of 30 from last week.
***** Ohioians under ebola monitoring dwindles to 52, officials expect to clear all late Monday
November 3, 2014
ABC6: A dozen travelers being monitored for Ebola in Trenton, (NJ) November 3, 2014
NewsOK: Ebola travel protocol created for Oklahoma County November 3, 2014
KansasCityStar: Franken: Ebola victim's widow to get benefits

Anonymous said...

NYSun: Rx for dissembling on Ebola is a dose of humility prescribed by the voters November 3, 2014

Anonymous said...

Guardian: Fresh Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone raises fears of new infection chain 11/4/2014 7:11AM EST
Koinaugu had prided itself on being the only area to have kept Ebola at bay by operating self-imposed quarantine system