Monday, November 03, 2014

New York Times: Cancel The Midterms

I Tried To Think And I Failed

The New York Times is for Democracy except for when the Democrat Party is losing. Then they are for canceling elections.

From the NYT:
There was a time when midterm elections made sense — at our nation’s founding, the Constitution represented a new form of republican government, and it was important for at least one body of Congress to be closely accountable to the people. But especially at a time when Americans’ confidence in the ability of their government to address pressing concerns is at a record low, two-year House terms no longer make any sense. We should get rid of federal midterm elections entirely.
Do you see how their logic contradicts itself.

Back when Republican government was new, and people didn't know if it would work, then it was important for government to be accountable every two years.

But now that people's confidence in government is low, it's not a good thing for government to be accountable every two years.

I guess it's this kind of absolute stupidity which has earned the New York Times the moniker, "The Newspaper of Record".


Always On Watch said...

The Left is exposing themselves for what they are.

Anonymous said...

Why stop there? Just end elections altogether.