Monday, November 03, 2014

UK: Rape, Ethnicity, Immigration, and Climate Change

UKIndependent: Child abuse inquiry: Yet another expensive, time consuming and cynical strategy, Yasmin Alibhai Brown, Sunday 2 November 2014
It could take 20 years; panel members could get too old to remember, or die

NYT: Torrent of Rapes in Britain, An uncomforatble focus on race and ethnicity

UKIndependent: MPs may escape expenses abuse investigations after paperwork 'destroyed' MPs accused of abusing parliamentary expenses will be harder to investigate under a new system after House of Commons officials "destroyed" paperwork relating to their claims, it has been revealed. 

UKIndependent:End fossil fuels by 2100 - the dramatic 'final warning' on climate change Key UN report warns that time is running out if the world wants to avoid a potential catastrophe

UKIndependent: If you're worried about immigration then you should be terrified about climate change

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