Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Belgium: 52.5% of Muslims Are "Fundamentalist"

From Le Soir:
According to the results of a study by the Berlin Social Science Center, 70% of Belgian Muslims consider religious rules more important than the law.   
The Berlin Social Science Center has polled 9,000 Muslims and Christians from 6 EU countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, France, Sweden, Austria). 
1,200 people, mainly of Turkish and Moroccan origin, who consider themselves Muslims, were interviewed on our soil (Belgium) 
The study, published by the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies and picked up by the Flemish daily De Morgen, shows that half of Belgian Musilms can be considered fundamentalists. To arrive at this conclusion, they were given three statements and had to answer yes or no: 
– Muslims have to return to the roots of their faith. 
– There is only one interpretation of the Qur’an and every Muslim must abide by it. 
– Religious rules are more important than the Law. 
The last paragraph of the article says that 52.5% have said yes to all three statements, making them fundamentalists. 
Only Austria has a higher percentage, although the differences between all 6 countries are insignificant. The article has an infographic with the three statements right above the graph. You can click on each statement and see the results below. The order of the countries is: Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Sweden.

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