Thursday, February 05, 2015

What are these people smokin'?

Day After Pilot’s Murder Video, Jordan Criticized for Executing Convicted Terrorists:
The White House and the State Department both dodged questions today about whether the U.S. government agrees with Jordan’s decision to hang two terrorists this morning.

Both had already gone through the judicial process and were waiting on death row....


“While all efforts must be made to counter terrorism and hold the perpetrators accountable, our reaction to the threat posed by (Islamic State) needs to be consistent with our common values on justice and the rights of prisoners,” European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said in a statement today. “Our action has to be guided by the respect of international human rights law and humanitarian law. The European position against death penalty remains unchanged and we believe capital punishment does not serve any deterrent purpose.”

“The Jordanian authorities are rightly horrified by this utterly reprehensible killing but the response should never be to resort to the death penalty, which itself is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment,” said Philip Luther, Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Program. “The death penalty should also not be used as a tool for revenge. The IS’s gruesome tactics must not be allowed to fuel a bloody cycle of reprisal executions.”...
The West is finished. 



World War Muslim has arrived, and the West has surrendered in advance.


Anonymous said...

So Abdullah King says he will fight to the last bullet. We owe it to him to make sure he never runs out of ammo.(Though Obama is already trying to undermine him I'm sure.)

Boener should invite Abdullah to address joint session too. Watch the O Brigade go ballistic over that one. Better than Bibi even, hah!

Isis attacked and maybe destroyed by "real" muslims. We send ammo, sit back and watch. Who could ask for better.

Anonymous said...

BTW. I would not want to be Queen Rania right now. ISIS would pay millions to get ahold of her.