Monday, May 11, 2015

ISIS Hackers Plan "Message to America" Attack Today at 2PM

Oh no, what will we do?
A group of hackers affiliated with ISIS are threatening to carry out a cyber attack—dubbed “Message to America”—against a number of targets 2 p.m. EST today. The targets were not identified on ISIS forums and social channels but the hackers are promising something “surprising” that “will frighten America”.


Zombie Poet said...

As a counterattack I recommend that we do parachute drops of radioactive goats and sex dolls packed with needles into ISIS held territory. Surely this will bring ISIS to its knees within minutes.

Oh and don't forget the rubber women full of rusty razor blades for dessert!

Anonymous said...

But how can we help them achieve martyrdom if they won't leave their mom's house?

--Signed, Big Tex

Anonymous said...

How's that cyberattack working out for ya?

--Dr. Phil