Sunday, September 06, 2015

About That Dead "Refugee" Toddler

What is truth? Hard to tell in the Orwellian times in which we live.

From the beginning, I've had some doubts as to the explanation for that dead toddler-refugee on the beach. The photo looked staged to me.

But appearances are not proof of anything, are they? So, until now, I've not opined anywhere that I have my doubts about that photo.

This morning, I found the following on the web....

From The Muslim Issue:
Lie after lie after lie, that’s the reality behind the so called “poor refugee from a war zone” who sent his own wife and small children to their death, even when he had no reason to do so since he never lived in a war zone, had funds to sustain him for over one year and was safely settled in Turkey for THREE years.

The Abdullah Kurdi lies are unfolding when his stories kept constantly changing, depending on who he told his tale to. Abdullah never was on the ship on which he supposedly was the only survivor. It was all lies. Adullah claims he “did not mind” that his wife and children died so his story could be told to the world? What story? The usual migration fraud, initiated by terrorists and funded from Saudi Arabia. Abdullah Kurdi is not the only one encouraged to lie and relocate to a non-Muslim country. This is how the Israel wars started.

Since Kobani doesn’t have ISIS occupation where Abdullah Kurdi has his relatives, he had no problems flying there safely by plane two days ago, to attend a funeral. No real war zone then.


The family of two Syrian toddlers who drowned as they tried to reach Greece had not yet applied to enter Canada, the extended family said on Thursday, despite earlier reports that their refugee application had been rejected.

A photograph of Aylan Kurdi’s tiny body in a bright red T-shirt and dark shorts, face-down in the surf, appeared in newspapers around the world, prompting sympathy and outrage at the perceived inaction of developed nations in helping refugees....
Read the rest HERE.

Also see Family of drowned toddler Aylan Kurdi had been given FREE housing in Turkey, while father’s story is full of holes. Excerpt:
...[Abdullah Kurdi's sister Fatima] said that while he was still in the water, Abdullah saw his wife’s dead body floating in the water ‘like a balloon’, causing him to struggle to recognise her.

Sobbing uncontrollably Abdullah yesterday recalled his terror when the flimsy and overcrowded dinghy overturned, causing the night to be pierced by the screams of his fellow Syrian refugees as he clung on to his wife.

‘I was holding her, but my children slipped through my hands,’ he said.

‘We tried to cling to the boat, but it was deflating. It was dark and everyone was screaming. I could not hear the voices of my children and my wife.’

The wife was ‘a balloon’ in less than three hours ? The rate of decay to a dead body in water is not instant. Obviously Abdullah had no idea how dead people in water decay and he knew at some point they would bloat, so he described his wife in a condition of decay that takes days to mature. Here from The Forensic Library is a description:

Bloated (2-6 days)
This stage of decomposition includes the first visible signs of decay, namely the inflation of the abdomen due to a build-up of various gases produced by bacteria inside the cadaver. This bloating is particularly visible around the tongue and eyes as the build-up of gases cause them to protrude. The skin may exhibit a certain colour change, taking on a marbled appearance due to the transformation of haemoglobin in the blood into other pigments....
Read the rest HERE.

So, fellow infidels, what is the truth about the circumstances leading up to that dead toddler-refugee on the beach?


Nicoenarg said...

Couple of comments on this:

1) Kobani is constantly at risk of being attacked by ISIS. The majority, if not all, of the population of Kobani is Kurdish. In my opinion Christians and the Kurds are the only legitimate refugees since they are the minorities under attack by Muslims. So its not strange for me to think that this Kurdish family would want to leave Kobani to get away from Muzzies. With that said, Kurds are not that different from Muslims.

2) The story of this boy comes across a whole lot of the Pallywood productions we've seen recently. It is highly likely that the aid agencies and the libs jumped on the opportunity at the sight of this little kid to guilt trip the west into accepting invaders into their lands. I wouldn't put it past UN agencies and other libtards because they do EXACTLY the same things against Israel. This could easily explain the holes in the father/husband's story if one considers that in most cases its these libs who feed the families these words making sure their stories would have the "highest emotional impact" on the media and the Western world.

Nicoenarg said...

The story of this boy comes across a whole lot of the Pallywood productions...

I meant...The story of this boy comes across like a whole lot of the Pallywood productions...

Pastorius said...

The wife was "like a ballon", but the little boy looks like he just fell off the swing set at the park.

Pastorius said...

Kurds are Muslims, are they not, Nico?

Always On Watch said...

Yes, he looks EXACTLY as if he fell off a swing set.

Do you agree with me that this photo has been omehow faked?

Always On Watch said...

Uh, somehow. Damn iPad.

Pastorius said...

Now that you bring it up, it does seem like there is a high likelihood that it was faked.

It never occurred to me before.

Nicoenarg said...

"Kurds are Muslims, are they not, Nico?"

Exactly! They are. With minor differences that shouldn't matter to us infidels.

Anonymous said...

Anyone coming across a kiddie lying face down at the edge of the surf, wouldn't stand there taking pictures. You'd lift him clear of he water, and try to get the water out of his lungs, revive him. You'd call an ambulance, and they'd arrive and try their various techniques.
There's no morally acceptable reason for anyone to have taken the photograph. I suspect the bairn was either left in the water, or returned to get the picture.
Something about this business does not pass the smell test.
