Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Angela Merkel Says, Islamism Grows In Europe, Therefore Europeans Have To Take Responsibility For It, And That Responsibility is MORE MUSLIMS

I must admit, some of the stuff she says towards the middle of this clip, about how Christians going to Church, learning about their religion, so they can actually represent it, understanding culture, maybe being able to know how to explain the artwork that hangs in our museums, these things are important. And Merkel is correct in the underlying and unstated assumption that Europeans have lost a basic understanding of why our culture is worth preserving.

BUT THEN SHE FOLLOWS IT UP WITH condemnation of that very culture, somehow comparing our history of violence to the unrelenting, unremitting, inherent violence of Islam and the culture it produces.

She is an angry, blasphemous woman. She can not be allowed to be leader of Germany anymore.


Anonymous said...

Yes sir, she is totally off the rails.

I honestly believe that the EU elite knows what they've done, they feel it, but they know it's too late to throw the brakes. They've painted the continent into to this corner and there is no time to fess up to the mistakes and change course. They'd lose all credibility and in the EU there is NO ONE to step in and take their place.

So they are cranking up the decibels and screaming their way to the cliff hoping that plebes don't turn on them before they all go over. And there will be just enough time for the elites to grab their platinum parachutes.

Pastorius said...

The Thelma and Louise Strategy.