Saturday, September 12, 2015

Education Fail!

George Mason University is in Fairfax, Virginia, a few scant miles from one of the branches of the Islamic Saudi Academy, and is certainly not one of the easiest schools with regard to admission requirements.

GMU also partners with "the Arab nations."


Epaminondas said...

'Probably Bush did something bad' 2001?

Take the money u are spending on room, board and tuition, and GO TO THE MIDDLE EAST, TO QANDAHAR, AND I THINK YOU WILL FRICKIN' FIGURE IT OUT.

Someone get me out of here.

Anonymous said...

At the dentist's office this week, I came across a free local "HV Parent" magazine stacked on a table in the reception area. While waiting for my MiL to finish her appt., I flipped through it and came across this article:
Taking the school out of schooling
Local families on ‘unschooling’ and how it works
Kelly Auriemmo
"So many of us are familiar with the term homeschooling, but have you heard of unschooling? While homeschooling is pretty straightforward (teaching your child at home), unschooling is a little harder to define.

Unschooling is the notion that children are innate learners. When left to their own devices, they will seek out information and learn on their own. Parents who unschool see themselves as facilitators of learning opportunities rather than teachers."...

Bet these guys (premature detonators) were all chemistry/physics unschoolers too

"...The actuality of unschooling is that children learn through their natural lives and life experiences."..."But when they seek it out themselves, the learning can be so much more meaningful than being forced to memorize facts from a book."
followed by this paragraph header:
"Letting the child lead"

....letting the child lead? Like Boehner, Pelosi, Reid? BLM? Occupy Wall Street? Rainbow coalition wedding cakes? All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten
Death of the Grown-Up
Welcome to the generation of community organized education.


Always On Watch said...

It's all so disheartening!

Baysider said...

"Taking the school out of schooling" Oh swell. Does that mean we can reclaim all our tax dollars that are earmarked for teaching? Judging by the video (George Mason would be rolling over in his grave) I'd say 'unschooling' has been the norm for awhile.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to blame the schools, George Mason in this case. But kids got there at 17, what were the parents doing until then? 9/11, its causes and the aftermath have been regular issues of conversation (and disagreement)in my family. My daughter was nine years old when it happened, and that day will be forever branded in our minds. I think it's about time parents stop blaming schools and assume at least some of the responsibilities they have in rearing their children.

Always On Watch said...

A friend of mine took one of his children to the GMU freshman orientation this year. All that was spoken of was "Diversity!"

This is quite the contrast with the days when I went attended GMU (1968-1972). Back then, when GMU was George Mason College of the University of Virginia, the orientation session was all about meeting deadlines, attendance rules, and conforming to the college's policies so as to prevent the hammer from dropping -- that hammer being expulsion. There was also substantial time devoted to understanding George Mason's Virginia Bill of Rights.

Always On Watch said...

Long ago, parents were sternly warned to leave the education of their children "to the experts" (educators). Many parents themselves no longer gather around the dinner table with their children to discuss the day's events.

What's more, parents who are today proactive with regard to their children's education (that is, parents who approach the school to find out what they can do to help their children with their studies) are threatened with measures from the guidance department, to the point that the guidance department calls such parental involvement "child abuse." I'm not making this up! The magnet school here in Northern Virginia adopted that stance within the past four years.