Monday, September 14, 2015

UK Islamic Leader: Muslims Consider It A “Great Honor” To Have A Crane In Mecca Crush Them To Death

Two Pilgrims Who Were Not Quite As Honored By Allah

Really? Maybe there is a way we can work with these Muslims after all.

From the Express:
Tributes have been paid to father-of-four from Bolton Qasim Akram, who was killed in the accident just hours after arriving in the Saudi Arabian city ahead of his first pilgrimage to Mecca. 
Mr Akram, who was believed to be 32, and a private hire driver, had been in the Grand Mosque with his parents 50 yards ahead of them when the crane struck. 
Shockingly, a British imam and director of the Oxford Islamic Information Centre, Dr Hojjat Ramzy, said he wanted to “congratulate” those who lost their lives for “going straight to heaven without any question”, describing the tragic incident as a “great honour”. 
The Independent newspaper quoted him as saying: “Many Muslim pilgrims wish to pass away during the journey of hajj and to have honour of being buried in the holy city of Mecca. 
“This is great honour from God that every one wishes for but not many will be granted.”


Always On Watch said...

A death cult always finds a way to make it an honor to die in the name of tat cult.

Remember Jonestown? Same thing, really.

Zealotry yields the worst of harvests -- especially for the children.

Always On Watch said...

Furthermore, there is no reasoning with zealots. Such reason serves to make them even more zealous.

Redneck Texan said...

Hopefully one day we will be able to give them all the "great honor" they deserve.