Saturday, January 16, 2016

A rebuttal to those who think the Admin did well over our sailors, ‘considering…’

I will concede we got the people back quickly, though I can state the reasons might have something to do with Congress and $158 billion rather than our new relationship with the TWELVERS, but I have  few questions…

If the IRGC was certain our men would have opened fire on them because those are the standing orders and ROE from the president would they have taken them captive?

If the IRGC was certain our men would have called in lethal air power cover which WOULD BE USED would they have taken them captive?

If the IRGC was certain their actions would have been regarded as an act of war by both president and Congress and instantly responded to as such, would they have taken them captive?

If the IRGC had seen devastating, unrelenting and overwhelming force used in Syria when Assad crossed the RED LINE Obama declared, would they have taken them captive?

Proper foreign policy DETERS the actions the IRGC and nation of Iran took this week, it does not SUBSEQUENTLY place our men in the middle of a red circle, then allow them to be coerced and humiliated before THANKING the offenders.

Those who think the proper actions occurred this week are DELUDED and IN DENIAL.
Barack Obama has destroyed deterrence and given those inimical to the way of life of the people of the USA, incentive to act as they did this week.

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

Barack Obama has destroyed deterrence and given those inimical to the way of life of the people of the USA, incentive to act as they did this week.

There will be a terrible harvest -- and soon.