Monday, June 12, 2017

The cruelty of barbarians

Muslims in Denmark are sharing their culture with animals:
“I’ve seen cats being played football with. I have seen cats with their legs torn off and their eyes gouged out. We see cats that have had their heads torn off, and ones that had skin ripped away, or had their legs and back broken.”
This is how a women working with the Danish Animal Protection describes some of the horrible treatment of animals in the Muslim dominated area of Vollsmose, a suburb of Odense, the third largest city in Denmark.
“The worst thing I saw was a bunch of kittens crawling around with their bowels hanging out because they had their bellies cut open,” she says.
Muslims are bred in a culture where men can murder women in the name of honor and often get away with it. This malevolent harm doesn't limit itself to humans. Poor animals don't stand a chance.

I've seen Muslim kids gather small rocks, gang up and use a hapless dog as target practice in Pakistan. They laughed and giggled at the torture and agony. I've seen a Muslim boy who took a kitten and almost drowned it in a water-filled sink in his house in Saudi Arabia. While stopping him, I noticed the hideous and unnerving glee in his eyes.

The West opened its doors to demons. Now, their peoples can also witness how innocents suffer the consequences of an old evil. (Originally posted at Isaac Schrödinger.)

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