Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Following Report that North Korea Has Developed Miniaturized Nuke That Can Fit Atop Missile, Trump Vows "Fire and Fury the Likes of Which the World Has Never Seen" if the Midget Kingdom Continues Making Threats

Following Report that North Korea Has Developed Miniaturized Nuke That Can Fit Atop Missile, Trump Vows "Fire and Fury the Likes of Which the World Has Never Seen" if the Midget Kingdom Continues Making Threats

Did someone ask my opinion?
Trump should just cut it out with the threats.

Either fucking kill 'em, or shut the fuck up.


thelastenglishprince said...

I served in Guam. Air Force is on the north end and Navy on the south. Large Naval Hospital there. My guess is non-essential personnel and dependents will be evacuated.

Kid said...
