Sunday, August 06, 2017

Planned Parenthood to Preschoolers: ‘Genitals Don’t Make You a Boy or Girl’


Pete Rowe said...

Does there still remain any doubt that (un)Planned Parenthood is an evil organization?

Anonymous said...

=====>Planned Parenthood to Preschoolers: ‘Genitals Don’t Make You a Boy or Girl’<=====

Searching for a silver lining for an increasingly ubiquitous PP black cloud (aka grim reaper shroud).....count our blessings that PP does not provide any pre-natal care in any of their facilities.

PP is intensely evil. That child is about 10 years old. The message on his shirt is obscene. Television persists with alarming/frightening advertisement for gardasil - another questionable big government/pharma vaccination designed for females but soon promoted for both males and females - (fuck the gender fluid morons - I refuse to fall in line with their self-inflicted ignorance).

Pastorius said...

It looks to me like there's a dildo sitting on the desk behind the child.

Anonymous said...

Pasto: No shit! LOL, now I can't unsee it!