Wednesday, August 09, 2017

So Ronery


Anonymous said...

ABC2News: MD man charged in ISIS case facing additional charges

ABC2News: Police investigate after possible uranium found in carjacked van
Baltimore City Police are investigating after a container with a label that appears to indicate uranium was found in a carjacked van.

Anonymous said...

cut/paste of comment regarding McMaster:

McMaster served under General Abizaid. McMaster's commanding Office Gen. Abizaid got a degree in Islamic studies at Harvard and served in Jordan. The Harvard Center for Islamic studies is paid for and controlled by a Saudi Prince yet this is where our top brass go to learn about Islam You will never ever learn the truth about Islam from a degree in Middle Eastern Studies. You will be fully indoctrinated and brainwashed So this explains why McMaster is so illiterate about Islam. His understanding of it comes from his commander Gen. Abizaid Gen. Abizaid learned about how to fight Islam from a brainwashing indoctrination program at Harvard. Gen. Abizaid "stellar" book was on Saudi Security, not American security, but Saudi security. The head of the program where Gen Abizaid got his degree took money from the CIA for his work, Saudi Arabia:The Ceaseless Quest for Security The head of the Saudi program where Gen Abizaid got his Islamic degree praised his 100 pg paper on defense policy for Saudi Arabia,not the US The head of the Saudi program got his degree at Harvard too- a circle on incestuous teaching keeping the status quo about Saudi's interests So an Egyptian (by birth)(Israeli parents) heads the Islamic Center at Harvard taking massive money from the CIA to write on Saudi security right after 9/11 Gen Abziad (top brass) gets his degree at the Harvard Islamic Center controlled and pd for by the Saudis, taught by an man pd by the CIA Both Gen Abziad and his mentor write about Saudi security immediately after 9/11, not American security. Gen Abziad rises in the ranks and is the commanding officer of McMaster who also seems more concerned with Saudi than the US

Anonymous said...

NYT: Saudi Prince Gives Millions to Harvard and Georgetown (reported Dec 2005)

Within one year of that announcement we read:

Reuters: Harvard in biggest curriculum overhaul in 30 years

Harvard was bought and paid for.

Always On Watch said...

I don't trust McMaster.