Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Proof former President, and current shadow government leader, Obama, had ties to Islamic terror group.

Allen West: Proof former President, and current shadow government leader, Obama, had ties to Islamic terror group.
Ask yourself, why would a sitting United States president block an investigation into an Islamic terrorist organization that is also engaging in drug and gun smuggling? Furthermore, why is a U.S. president seeking a deal with the number one state sponsor of Islamic terrorism in the world, Iran? 
Well, we all know the typical progressive socialist leftist response, “I don’t agree with your facts.” You see, the left, enabled by their liberal progressive media accomplices, determines what is worthy of an investigation. For them, as with the case of Benghazi, there’s nothing to see here…no there, there. So what if Americans were abandoned to die in Libya – as four did? For the left in America, if it’s all about their agenda, anyone is expendable.

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