Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Leaked Documents: Fusion GPS Admits Under Oath They Collude with Liberal Media

On Tuesday Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) released the entire transcript of Glenn Simpson’s testimony to the senate. During the testimony Simpson admitted he colluded with the liberal mainstream media. 
Question: Does part of Fusion GPS’s business involve attempting to have media outlets publish articles that further the interests of your clients? 
Fusion GPS: Yeah, you could — I mean, generally speaking, we are — genereally we tend to respond to inquiries more than try to push things, but, you know, we work with the press frequently. 
Question: And has Fusion GPS ever provided information to journalists in order to encourage them to publish articles or air stories that further your client’s interests? 
Fusion GPS: Yes.

And then there's this:

'Somebody's already been killed' because of Trump dossier, Fusion GPS rep revealed


Anonymous said...

DF released this testimony in order to get the word out to all the other corrupt criminals so they could get their story straight, avoid lying and present a unified front at the congressional oversight committee questioning. Thus: Senator Grassley was upset as the crooks will know how to answer…at least they will regarding GPS and the role of the dossier. If the shoe were on the other foot, Dems and their main allies in the press would be screaming bloody murder.

From Conservative Treehouse.

Anonymous said...

Agree with above commentary. Sundance, over at TheConservativeTreehouse has been following this in minute detail and reporting each new update with easy to comprehend synopses.

Anonymous said...
Clinton not only had FBI lead investigator Strzok & corrupt McCabe working to cover for her, but in order to indict... "FBI will have to go thru four loyal Democrat women."
=====>"...Still Mr. Krongard does not believe that Hillary Clinton will ever be indicted.
He says that's because, in order to indict her, the FBI "will have to go through four loyal Democrat women" -- Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell, who heads the department's criminal division; Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, Attorney General Loretta Lynch; and top White House adviser Valerie Jarrett."