All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Trump Threatens To Declassify ‘Devastating’ Docs About Democrats
In a wide-ranging, exclusive interview with The Post, President Trump said Wednesday that if House Democrats launched probes into his administration — which he called “presidential harassment” — they’d pay a heavy price.
“If they go down the presidential harassment track, if they want go and harass the president and the administration, I think that would be the best thing that would happen to me. I’m a counter-puncher and I will hit them so hard they’d never been hit like that,” he said during a 36-minute Oval Office sitdown.
The commander-in-chief said he could declassify FISA warrant applications and other documents from Robert Mueller’s probe — and predicted the disclosure would expose the FBI, the Justice Department and the Clinton campaign as being in cahoots to set him up.
“I think that would help my campaign. If they want to play tough, I will do it. They will see how devastating those pages are.”
But Trump told The Post he wanted to save the documents until they were needed.
“It’s much more powerful if I do it then,” Trump said, “because if we had done it already, it would already be yesterday’s news.”
Trump revealed his playbook just as Democrats are set to take over House committees in January where they are poised to investigate his potential business conflicts of interests, tax returns, Russia dealings and more.
The sooner the better. I used to work for a physician who was a pathologist. He often would repeat a physician's axiom, "obstruction begets infection". When a duct in the body becomes obstructed, an infection often develops. This is a great management and organizational axiom as well. When a person or department can obstruct the lines of reporting so that it has a budget but does not need to be held responsible for its actions, then they often start to pursue their own agenda, they often "go rogue".
The role of foreign actors in the Russian Dossier is a grand example of what happens when people with funding are free to act without the need to obey the rule of law.
Disclose without delay. Let the bodies fall where they may. If any foreign government has a problem with it, they should be directed to clean up their own rogue agencies.
How Mueller and the FISA court used "the two hop rule" explained by Dan Bongino in this video clip introducing Trump opposition team's Plan B/Crossfire Hurricane. Since they couldn't spy on Trump illegally without leaving a paper trail, they would pursue this effort 'legally' through the FISA court by getting a warrant on somebody in the Trump team. This allows investigators to use the "two hop rule" to examine communications between this Trump team member and then examine the communication exchanges of each of those (s)he communicated with.
************* DEVELOPING: Federal agents raid office of Chicago lawyer who previously did Trump’s tax work - Sun Times
The sooner the better. I used to work for a physician who was a pathologist. He often would repeat a physician's axiom, "obstruction begets infection". When a duct in the body becomes obstructed, an infection often develops. This is a great management and organizational axiom as well. When a person or department can obstruct the lines of reporting so that it has a budget but does not need to be held responsible for its actions, then they often start to pursue their own agenda, they often "go rogue".
The role of foreign actors in the Russian Dossier is a grand example of what happens when people with funding are free to act without the need to obey the rule of law.
Disclose without delay. Let the bodies fall where they may. If any foreign government has a problem with it, they should be directed to clean up their own rogue agencies.
-- theBuckWheat
How Mueller and the FISA court used "the two hop rule" explained by Dan Bongino in this video clip introducing Trump opposition team's Plan B/Crossfire Hurricane. Since they couldn't spy on Trump illegally without leaving a paper trail, they would pursue this effort 'legally' through the FISA court by getting a warrant on somebody in the Trump team. This allows investigators to use the "two hop rule" to examine communications between this Trump team member and then examine the communication exchanges of each of those (s)he communicated with.
DEVELOPING: Federal agents raid office of Chicago lawyer who previously did Trump’s tax work - Sun Times
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