Saturday, December 08, 2018

SHOCK VIDEO: French Outraged After Video Released of Massive Police Round Up of Anti-Macron HIGH SCHOOL Protesters

From the French LeMonde newspaper (translated):   
A total of 153 people were arrested in Mantes-la-Jolie (Yvelines), Thursday, December 6, according to the prosecutor of the Republic of Versailles, Vincent Lesclous, because of new incidents occurred near the Lycée Saint-Exupéry, where two cars were set on fire and clashes broke out with the police. 
The arrested, mostly students, are suspected of “participation in an armed crowd , ” said the city commissioner, Arnaud Verhille, ensuring he wanted to “interrupt an uncontrolled process . ” 
In the Yvelines, a total of 189 young people, aged 12 to 20 years, were placed in custody, according to the prosecutor of Versailles, and more than 700 in all France according to the Ministry of the Interior . 
Images of the arrests, the authenticity of which has been confirmed by Agence France-Presse and Le Monde , were broadcast on social networks. They show rows of dozens of students on their knees, their hands crossed behind their heads, under the supervision of helmeted policemen armed with batons and shields. 
Some are lined up, forehead against a wall. On one of the videos, a person comments: “This is a class that stands wise. ” The images were shot in front of the Lycée Saint-Exupéry in Mantes-la-Jolie, and have provoked strong reactions .


Redneck Texan said...

The British press described these photos as proof that "Macron is losing control of the situation" ..... looks to me like he's gaining control of the situation.

These protests, not the rural folks that started the movement over gas fuel taxes but the socialist and communists who have co-opted it, are not likely to be as serious a treat as the 1968 ones where de Gaulle had to temporary flee the country.

I have no problem with these images. This is the position I would love to see Antifa protesters in. Speaking truth to power loses its appeal to me if you're not really scared of the power you are speaking to.

It continues to irritate the shit out me that the French will resort to organized street violence over taxes and any opportunity they see to force even more socialism out of their government, but not over Offended Muslims Stabbing People To Death.

Which reflects where I think we are with the Counter-Jihad. There are a lot more people who view Muslims with disdain now than there were when we started spreading the word ..... but I think perhaps we have reached the maximum amount of converts..... and it aint enough. Its never going to be enough.

These protests in France will subside once enough players have cooled their heals in jail, and the public's sympathy for them wains due to its affect on their comfortable daily consumerism.

I see the counter-jihad petering out as well. What if these were images of a Mosque full of Muslims being rounded up for deportation after a major Islamic attack in Europe? It would gut any short term sanity and quickly be turned into a political opportunity for whichever party was currently out of power. You know who's side the media would be on. The same side their on now with these violent protesters.

Pastorius said...

You have good points.

I think you may be right that we have reached the maximum amount of converts in the Counter-Jihad.

One interesting thing to note is we are having no Jihad attacks in America these days.