Thursday, November 07, 2019

“Coup Has Started” – Whistleblower’s Attorney Mark Zaid Said in 2017 Tweets Calling For Trump’s Impeachment

Zaid’s old tweets are coming back to haunt him — he was caught admitting his goal is to remove Trump from office. Mark Zaid, a committed leftist, tweeted in 2017 that “we will get rid of” President Trump.
In even more damning 2017 tweets, Mark Zaid actually admits he is orchestrating a coup. And President Trump’s camp is aware of Zaid’s tweets. 
“The whistleblower’s lawyer gave away the game,” the Trump campaign’s communications director, Tim Murtaugh. told Fox News. 
“It was always the Democrats’ plan to stage a coup and impeach President Trump and all they ever needed was the right scheme. They whiffed on Mueller so now they’ve settled on the perfectly fine Ukraine phone call. This proves this was orchestrated from the beginning.” 
Zaid in response to a tweet from President Trump on the same day once again boasted of a “coup” to remove him from office. 
“#coup has started. As one falls, two more will take their place. #rebellion #impeachment” Zaid said admitting that the Deep State will continue to make up new scandals until one does the trick and removes Trump from office.


Always On Watch said...

Pretty revealing, huh?

Anonymous said...

How close are we getting to the practical definition of treason? I know we must be in a declared war to have this legally be true, but I ask from a practical sense.

I recall a book that the left only had bad things to say about "None Dare Call It Treason" by John Stormer. Now this book in some ways has been shown to be true, but those attempting to overthrow an election and subvert the government are Progressives. As part of the news coming out of Washington recently, we see how much the government has been subverted away from the Constitution for years, if not decades. These people are telling us how much they despise those who voted for Trump and hint as what kind of country they would like to transform this one into. No wonder they want our guns.

There is not too much difference between the people trying to overthrow Trump and those directing how the Uyghurs in China will be treated, and re-educated. Same spirit of tyranny, death and destruction.
